
Showing posts from April, 2024

Qatar’s Gateway for Global Talent The Mustaqel Visa

Transforming Qatar's Labor Market: Introducing the Mustaqel Visa for Global Talent Qatar is on the verge of a monumental transformation in its labor market with the imminent launch of the Mustaqel Visa. This innovative visa program, set to be introduced by the Ministry of Labour and administered by Qatar Manpower Solutions Co. (Jusour), is positioned to revolutionize the landscape for international entrepreneurs, exceptional talents, and skilled professionals. Aligned seamlessly with the ambitious goals outlined in Qatar National Vision 2030, the Mustaqel Visa aims to diversify and enrich the national economy by attracting a dynamic and diverse workforce. This groundbreaking initiative underscores Qatar's commitment to fostering innovation, excellence, and sustainable growth on a global scale. Eligibility and Categories: Entrepreneur Category: Geared towards individuals with projects or investments exceeding QAR 250,000. Applicants in this category must secure approval and pres

Empowering Qatar's Youth: The Impact of the 'Young Entrepreneurs Initiative

In a rapidly evolving economy, the importance of fostering entrepreneurship among youth cannot be overstated. Qatar's 'Young Entrepreneurs Initiative' stands as a beacon of empowerment, guiding students towards leadership roles and innovative thinking to serve society. Developed in collaboration between the Ministry of Education and Higher Education and Qatar Chamber, this initiative represents a concerted effort to instill entrepreneurial skills and mindset among the youth. Recent workshops hosted by Qatar Chamber have provided invaluable resources and activities, nurturing budding entrepreneurs and facilitating the growth of their businesses. At its core, the 'Young Entrepreneurs Initiative' seeks to engage students in understanding the pivotal role of entrepreneurship in the economy and society. By fostering innovation, creativity, and practical business knowledge, it equips students with the tools needed to establish and sustain successful ventures, thereby cont

Empowering Qatar's Youth: Qatar Scholarship Programme Welcomes 100 New Recipients

In a significant stride towards fostering education and empowerment among Qatar's youth, the Qatar Scholarship Programme recently unveiled 100 new scholarships. This announcement came during a prestigious event attended by key stakeholders including The Education Above All Foundation (EAA) and the General Directorate of Endowments (Awqaf). The event not only showcased the unveiling of the new scholarships but also celebrated academic excellence. Thirty-six outstanding graduates were recognized, while 57 students were lauded for their scholarly achievements during the 2023 - 2024 academic year. With over 300 attendees, including students, families, faculty members from partner universities, institutions, and dignitaries from several embassies, the event truly exemplified the collaborative spirit driving Qatar's education initiatives. The Qatar Scholarship Programme (QSQ) is dedicated to providing young people aged between 17 and 25, who have primarily grown up in Qatar, with acc